
The Fallingbrook Community Association operates three outdoor rinks within Fallingbrook on behalf of the City of Ottawa.  Each rink has a hockey rink and a smaller leisure skating rink. We hire youths to supervise and maintain the rinks.  Each rink also has a volunteer rink manager who supervises the rink attendants.

Rink Locations

  1. Fallingbrook Park, behind Fallingbrook Community Elementary School, Princess Louise Drive and Deancourt.
    Hours: Weekdays; 5:30 pm -9:30 pm Weekends; 12:00 pm -10:00 pm
  2. Gardenway Park, behind Jeanne Sauvé School, Gardenway Drive.
    Hours: Weekdays; 5:30 pm -9:30 pm Weekends; 12:00 pm -10:00 pm
  3. Fallingbrook South Community Center, behind Maple Ridge Elementary School, Provence Drive.
    Hours: Weekdays; 6:00 pm -10:00 pm Weekends; 12:00 pm -10:00 pm
  4. Ray Friel Center indoor rink has public skating times and shinny hockey times.

General Rules:

  • Outdoor rinks operate from around Christmas until March, weather permitting.
  • Participants are expected to wear appropriate protective equipment.
  • No hockey sticks are permitted on the leisure skating areas.
  • No smoking, and no dogs are permitted around the skating areas.
  • Two slots are reserved for minor hockey team practices and one special event per week; contact the outdoor rink director, listed below.

Rink Attendants Wanted!

We pay $14/hour to high school students to supervise rinks during the evening and weekends.  Contact Nick O’Connell (below) if interested.

For further information, contact the outdoor rink director, Nicholas O’Connell, cell 613-858-9089.